A Story of an Enthusiastic(❁´◡`❁) Learner ☺

Zahoor Akbar
Jun 5, 2021

Once upon a ⏲, there was a 👔 who was 👨‍🏭 working. He had a very ✔ record 📑 in his 🏬. He was 😎 enough that after 👨🏻‍🎓 he will ✅ a 👌🏻👷‍♂️ in some well-reputed 🏭 . He applied🔏📧 — ->📮 and got ❎. He 🛐 and 🗣️ for 🤲🏻. He then 📖 from his 🧘‍♂️ that to get a 👨🏻‍💻 and to 🔓 your 👐🤹‍♂️, you should 🔎 to grow yourself 👨‍💼. After 🏋🏻‍♂️, he applied for the 2⃣ ⏱️ for the same 👷‍♂️and got 🤝🏻 for the 🏭. He became 🥳 and ✍🏻 a 😊 note to his 🧘🏻‍♂️ for such a 👌🏻 advice.

